The cycles of hope and despair seem to come to a complete end if forgetting (or not realizing) the power of Good Friday. Indeed, if it all ended there, one might ask if the week was really holy at all. What use would the knowledge of God’s persistent reach be, if death were the ultimate finale? Most would argue, no use at all – worthless, in fact.
But, death doesn’t have the last word. Penultimate is not just a cool App. It’s an apt description of death, itself. It appears to be-and-have the final word. …until we get to the beautiful Easter Morn, where mourning is transformed into joy. …Even if it isn’t easy to believe at first. Easter brings the gift of Jesus’ resurrection, bringing also the promise of our own. As Jesus rises from the dead, so we rise into new life. Not only on “the last day” as we so often proclaim in Christian conversation. But, resurrected life comes each and every day. Sometimes even more often - when we are really struggling to become who we are meant to be: new life even comes moment by moment. Yes – Easter morning is the holiest day of the year, if you ask me. This is where we find new and renewed life. This is where we truly find forgiveness of sin. This is where we catch a glimpse of the Reign of God unfolding here as we look to its fullness at the end of time. But, most of all, Easter morning gives us the opportunity to live with bold and confident faith that God is with us, and that nothing – not even death! – can separate us from Jesus, the Lord of Life. If Jesus is with us through it all, we can be who God called us to be: Proclaimers of grace. Sharers of love. Healers of others. In other words: Imitators of Jesus – living life to the fullest, for the sake of the world God so loves. Read about Palm Sunday Read about Maundy Thursday Read about Good Friday Go Back to Introduction