Good Friday is a terrible moment in history, and a difficult day to remember in worship. It feels so hopeless, so dark, so devoid of hope. Rightfully so! Execution at the hands of the State. Encouraged by the Religious Authorities who are cheered on by the blind faith of those who follow them. Jesus is murdered. Dead. Hope is lost for those who followed and loved him.
Bereft. But, only because they don’t yet know the power of the promise in this day. And, no, I’m not skipping ahead to a couple days later. There is a great gift to be found in this day all on its own: Emmanuel, God-with-Us, literally embodies the promise to endure anything the world can throw at us – betrayal, pain and even unjust death. In so doing, Jesus reveals the reality that there is no place he is unwilling to go to be with us. Read about Palm Sunday Read about Maundy Thursday Read about Easter Go Back to Introduction